About: Captain Thomas Bowrey

I am currently writing a book on the life of Captain Thomas Bowrey. It is a long term project but I hope to chart my progress through this blog. Follow my progress and you will posts about Bowrey and his friends and family; the trials, tribulations and successes of a new author; and comments when something in the wider world relates to Bowrey and his life. I should love to hear from you with any comments you may have or if your research touches on my area of interest.

Captain Thomas Bowrey: seventeenth century East India mariner and eighteenth century Wapping merchant who lived in fascinating times and was  involved in many of the important issues of his day. He was a successful sea captain who traded in the East Indies, observed the culture with which he interacted and learned sufficient of the lingua franca to write the first Malay- English dictionary. Once he returned to London, a very wealthy man, he had a happy married, if childless, family life whilst continuing to be active as a ship owner and merchant. He cared passionately about overseas trade whilst apparently remaining remote from the turbulent politics of the time. Despite this, he managed to get dragged into one of the major political controversies – one that still has resonances today.